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It eases muscle pain

How Massage Helps Heal Muscle and Reveal Pain 

Massage may relieve pain from strenuous activity as effectively as aspirin or Advil.

Massage induces deep relaxation and stress reduction just by saying the term, and now a new study reveals how deep contact works to relieve pain and promote healing in sore muscles.

Massage influences the activation of particular genes, directly lowering inflammation in muscles—the same effect as aspirin or ibuprofen—and increasing their ability to recover from exercise, according to researchers at McMaster University in Canada.

The study included 11 young males who agreed to participate in “exhaustive aerobic activity” — the equivalent of a high-intensity spinning class, as described by the researchers. The men pushed themselves to exhaustion on stationary bikes.

Following the workout, each guy was given a 10-minute Swedish-style massage on one leg only, with the other serving as the control. Biopsies of their leg muscles were obtained before and after exercise, immediately after massage, and again two and a half hours later.

According to the researchers, massage triggered a chain of chemical reactions in muscles that helped relieve exercise-related soreness. Massage reduced the activity of inflammatory cytokines, which are substances that cause inflammation and pain. It also increased the levels of proteins that tell muscles to make more mitochondria, which are energy-producing cell structures that also aid muscle recovery.

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According to Field, massage has the same pain-relieving impact as aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil), act by lowering the quantities of chemicals called prostaglandins, which raise the levels of inflammatory cytokines. “Reducing inflammation—or, more specifically, pro-inflammatory cytokines—would lessen pain,” Field adds.







Szalavitz, Maia. TIME.Com., 2 Feb. 2012,

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