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It counteracts all that sitting you do

HealthLand Massage therapy for Sitting 

Sitting is the new smoking,’ if you haven’t already heard. According to research, our sedentary lifestyle is detrimental to our health. It’s even worse than smoking.

The unfortunate reality is that most of us work in offices, which means we spend eight hours or more per day glued to our phones and laptops. Sitting at a computer all day causes back pain, as well as circulation and cardiovascular problems in those who work at a desk. This frequently leads to chronic back, neck, and shoulder pain.

The basic truth is that your body is made to move; sitting in a chair all day leads to poor posture and ill health because the body tends to activate more muscles to compensate for the weariness generated by sitting. A slouched posture can also place undue pressure and weight on our internal organs.

What’s the good news? You may be able to get relief. Massage therapy can help you feel better, improve your posture, and get back on track. Massage therapy can help improve posture by encouraging the spine and supporting structures to take on the proper shape.

Heathland Massage Therapy Benefits for Office Workers

Massage treatment can be used to:

Stretching and opening up the muscles in the upper body can help us improve our posture.
Relax the muscles that are causing the body to be out of alignment. Your body will naturally begin to re-adapt a healthy posture once this is restored.
Soften and relax your muscles to encourage them to begin moving again.
Release the tension that builds up in these muscles to reduce the number and intensity of tension headaches.
Even if you don’t have any of these problems, massage treatment should be considered as a preventative strategy. It has no negative side effects and is also calming.

Visit our Healthland Spa & Massage Center in Dubai Business Bay and Enjoy 20% off on our massage services.

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